compare flow and citeseq gate_group_merged data (independednt gated cell populations)

** Generate Figure S2A **

# get the Seurat object for gated cell subsets frequencies
# merge <- readRDS("input/2020_08_09.rmBuffSHD8.allcelltypelabels.merge.SNG.wmeta.WithinBatchClustered.Rds")
# merge.UnSort <- subset(merge, subset = Sorted == "N")

# merge_cell_UnSort_gate_merged <- data.frame(table(merge.UnSort$sample_id, merge.UnSort$gate_group_merged)) %>% dplyr::group_by(Var1) %>% dplyr::mutate(ratio = Freq/sum(Freq))
# saveRDS(merge_cell_UnSort_gate_merged, "output/merge_cell_UnSort_gate_merged.rds")

# merge_cell_UnSort_course <- data.frame(table(merge.UnSort$sample_id, merge.UnSort$gate_group_course)) %>% 
  # dplyr::group_by(Var1) %>% dplyr::mutate(ratio = Freq/sum(Freq))
# saveRDS(merge_cell_UnSort_course, "output/merge_cell_UnSort_gate_course.rds")

merge_cell_UnSort_gate_merged <- readRDS("output/merge_cell_UnSort_gate_merged.rds")
merge_cell_UnSort_course <- readRDS("output/merge_cell_UnSort_gate_course.rds")
merge_cell_UnSort <- rbind(merge_cell_UnSort_gate_merged, merge_cell_UnSort_course)
flow_of_total_mtx <- read.xlsx("input/Frequency_Manual.xlsx", sheet = "Freq_of_total", rowNames = TRUE)
flow_of_total <- melt(flow_of_total_mtx, id = c("Subject", "Timepoint", "Class", "Assay")) %>%
  mutate("sample_id" = paste(Subject, Timepoint, sep = "_"))

merge_cell_UnSort$sample_id <- sapply(str_split(merge_cell_UnSort$Var1, pattern = "_", n = 2), function(x)x[[2]])

flow_merge_cell_of_total <- inner_join(flow_of_total, merge_cell_UnSort, c("sample_id"="sample_id", "variable"="Var2")) %>%
  mutate(value.y = 100*ratio) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(variable = factor(variable, levels = c("B", "B_Naive", "B_Mem", 
                                                "CD4", "CD4_Mem", "Treg", "Tfh",
                                                "CD8", "CD8_Mem", "NK", "NK_CD16hi",
                                                "NK_CD56hiCD16lo", "NK_CD56loCD16lo",
                                                "Mono", "Mono_Classical", "Mono_Nonclassical",
                                                "mDC", "pDC", "Gr", "Baso")))

p <- ggplot(flow_merge_cell_of_total, aes(x = value, y = value.y))+
  geom_point(aes(color = Class))+
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free")+
  geom_smooth(method = lm, se=FALSE, linetype = "dashed")+
  labs(title = "freq of total single cells",
       x = "Flow_Cell_Freq%", y = "CITEseq_cell_Freq%")+
  stat_cor(method = "pearson") +

sI <- sessionInfo()
## R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
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## Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
## Matrix products: default
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