plot cell frequency of unsorted CITEseq data

Generate Figure 5A; Figure S2A, S2B, S2C

Take interested populations from statistical model test and plot together

set1 as days_since_onset, set2 as PC1class, set3 for heatmap

main_set1 = c("B_Mem_IgMneg", "B_CD71_gated",
              "Mono_Classical_CD163hi", "Mono_NonClassical")
sup_set1 = c("Plasmablast_gated", "PB_Plasmablasts_MHCIhi", 
             "CD4_Mem_CM", "CD4_Mem_CD69pos", "Tfh_gated", "Treg_gated",
             "CD8_Mem_NKT", "CD8_Mem_EM.TE", "CD8_Naive_KLRG1pos ", "gammadeltaT", 
             "NK_CD56loCD16lo", "Mono", "cDC", "pDC", "Platelets")
main_set2 = c("CD4_Mem_CM", "CD8_Mem_CM.TM", 
              "gammadeltaT","MAIT","Mono_NonClassical", "pDC", "cDC", "Platelets")
sup_set2 = c( "B_Mem_CD11cpos", "B_CD71_gated", "Plasmablast_gated",
              "PB_Plasmablasts_MHCIhi","CD4_Mem", "CD4_Naive",
              "CD4_Mem_Activated.CD38.CD278hi", "Tfh_gated", "Treg_gated", 
              "CD8_Mem", "CD8_Mem_Activated", "gammadeltaT_CD158e1hi",
              "Mono_Classical_IgPos", "Mono_Classical_CD163hi")

# read final list data in
final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx <- read.csv("input/final_full_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx.20200818.csv",
                                       header = TRUE, row.names = 1, check.names = FALSE)
colnames(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx) <- str_replace(colnames(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx), 
                                                    pattern = "_to_parent", replacement = "")
final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx$PC1class <- factor(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx$PC1class, levels = c("HC","PC1_low","PC1_high"))
# remove technical controls
final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx <- final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx %>% filter(Subject != "CHI014")

set1 Fig5

final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx_main_set1 <- select(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx, all_of(main_set1),
final_cell_freq_UnSort_main_set1 <- final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx_main_set1 %>% 
  melt(id = c("Var1", "Timepoint", "sample_id", "Batch", "severity", 

p <- plot5cat(final_cell_freq_UnSort_main_set1, "Fig5.main", "all.set1", width = 7.5, height = 5)
# plot timecourse here

set2 Fig2S

final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx_main_set2 <- select(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx, all_of(main_set2),
final_cell_freq_UnSort_main_set2 <- final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx_main_set2 %>% 
  melt(id = c("Var1", "Timepoint", "sample_id", "Batch", "severity", 

p <- plot5cat(final_cell_freq_UnSort_main_set2, "Fig2.main", "all.set2", width = 7, height = 5)
# plot PC1/DSM group here

heatmap of cell subsets

# removed 3-"CD4_Mem_Activated.CD38.CD278hi", 34-"Tcell, 31-"DPT", 33 - "Granulocytes", 26 - "RBC" which are too small or batch specific
main_set3 = unique(c(main_set1, main_set2, "Mono_NonClassical", "B_Naive", "Mono_Classical",
                     "CD4", "CD8","CD19","NK","Mono","TCRVbeta13.1pos","Mono_Intermediate",
                     "B_CD71_gated", "Plasmablast_gated", "Tfh_gated", 
                     "Treg_gated", "B_Mem_CD11cpos"))
fig2_cells <- select(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx, colnames(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx)[1:10],
                     intersect(main_set3, colnames(final_cell_freq_UnSort_mtx)))

fig2_cells_PC1 <- fig2_cells %>% filter(!, Timepoint %in% c("HC","T0"))
fig2_cells_PC1_mtx <- fig2_cells_PC1 %>% 
 mutate(PC1class = factor(PC1class, levels = c("HC", "PC1_low", "PC1_high"))) %>%
 arrange(PC1class, PC1) %>%
 select(-c("TCRVbeta13.1pos", "Treg"))

# change column names -- set HC
fig2_cells_PC1_mtx_hm <- t(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx[,c(11:ncol(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx))])
colnames(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx_hm) <- replace(as.character(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$Subject), 
                                           fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$Timepoint == "HC" & fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$Subject != "CHI014", paste("HC", seq_along(1:13), sep = ""))
fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$colgroup = as.character(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$PC1class)

fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$colgroup = factor(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$colgroup, levels = c("HC", "PC1_low", "PC1_high"))

# use complexheatmap
severity.color <- c("Critical_Alive"="#374E55FF","Critical_Deceased"="#DF8F44FF","Moderate_Alive"="#00A1D5FF","Severe_Alive"="#B24745FF","HC_HC" = "#79AF97FF")
PC1.color <- colorRamp2(c(-3, 3.6), c("white", "#e97171"))
PC1class.color <- c("HC"="#00BA38", "PC1_low"="#619CFF", "PC1_high"="#F8766D")

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(
  PC1class = fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$PC1class,
  PC1 = fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$PC1, 
  severity_outcome = factor(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$severity_outcome, 
                            levels = c("HC_HC", "Moderate_Alive", "Severe_Alive", "Critical_Alive", "Critical_Deceased")),
  col = list(PC1 = PC1.color,
             PC1class = PC1class.color,
             severity_outcome = severity.color)

# pdf("output/Fig2.celltypecor.cluster.pdf", width = 10, height = 6.5)
Heatmap(pheatmap:::scale_rows(fig2_cells_PC1_mtx_hm), name = "cell_freq_zscore", 
        show_column_names = TRUE, column_names_rot = 45,
        top_annotation = ha, cluster_columns = FALSE,
        column_split = fig2_cells_PC1_mtx$colgroup,
        column_gap = unit(1.5, "mm"),
        row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10.5),
        column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8)

sI <- sessionInfo()
## R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
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## [8] base     
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