Geneset enrichment gsva score with TSO

Generate Figure 3 D; Figure 4 J,K; Figure 5 E; Figure S3 D
Scores were calculated based on LE genes for each comparison group (see score generation scripts)

### use the score of LE
# input is the files from output folder of sample_gsva_dftoelist.R
PC1_onset_union_gsva_esetlist <- readRDS("output/module_score_gsva/union_PC1_days_since_onset_module_score_gsva_filtered_samples_genes_esetlist.rds")

PC1mid_gsva_esetlist <- readRDS("output/module_score_gsva/PC1High-low_in_mid_module_score_gsva_filtered_samples_genes_esetlist.rds")
# plot time since onset geneset enrichment score
plot_onset_module_score_line <- function(input_gsva_esetlist, 
                                         LE_score_used = "GSVA PC1 LE score",
                                         fig_out_pdf = "modulescore_time_allcelltype.pdf", 
                                         celltype = celltypes,
                                         width = 8.5, height = 6.5) {
  p <- list()
  pdf(paste(FIG_OUT_PATH,fig_out_pdf,sep = ""), width = width, height = height)
  for(cell in celltype){
    if(grepl("dblt", cell, = T) | cell == "gated_out" | cell == "Unknown"){
    # print(cell)
    eset <- input_gsva_esetlist[[cell]]
    dat <- t(exprs(eset))
    dat <- %>% select(intersect(combined_genesets, colnames(dat)))
    if(nrow(dat) < 7){
    dat$days_since_onset <- eset$days_since_onset
    dat$pc1_group <- eset$PC1_cat
    dat$Subject <- eset$Subject
    dat$severity_outcome <- eset$severity.outcome2
    dat <- dat %>% 
      gather(key = module, value = score, 
             -c(days_since_onset, pc1_group, severity_outcome, Subject)) %>%
    tmp.HC <- filter(dat, pc1_group == "HC" & Subject != "CHI014")
    means <- tmp.HC %>% dplyr::group_by(module) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise(median = median(score),
                       quantile.25 = quantile(score, .25, na.rm = TRUE),
                       quantile.75 = quantile(score, .75, na.rm = TRUE))
    tmp.covid <- filter(dat, pc1_group %in% c("PC1_low", "PC1_high"))
    severity.color <- c("Critical-Alive"="#374E55FF","Critical-Deceased"="#DF8F44FF","Moderate-Alive"="#00A1D5FF" ,"Severe-Alive"="#B24745FF","HC" = "#79AF97FF")
    p1 <- ggplot(tmp.covid, aes(x = days_since_onset, y = score)) + 
      # geom_rect(aes(xmin = 17, xmax = 23, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf), fill = "#EADCFA", alpha = 0.1)+
      geom_point(alpha=.4,shape=21,aes(fill=pc1_group),size=2) + 
      scale_fill_manual(name="Severity",values = c("deepskyblue1","red")) +
      geom_line(aes(group = Subject), alpha = 0.1)+
      ggtitle(paste(cell, LE_score_used, sep = " ")) + 
      scale_color_manual(name="PC1 Class",values=c("deepskyblue1","red")) +
      geom_smooth(se = T,aes(color=pc1_group),alpha=0.1) + 
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept = median), data = means, alpha = 0.7, linetype = "dashed", color = "#00BA38")+
      facet_wrap(~module, scales = "free", ncol = 4) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = 20, color = "grey60", linetype='dashed') +
    p[[cell]] <- p1

# functions for highlight the TSO d17-23 period
plot_onset_module_score_highlight <- function(input_gsva_esetlist, LE_score_used = "GSVA PC1 LE score",
                                    fig_out_pdf = "modulescore_time_allcelltype.pdf", 
                                    celltype = celltypes,
                                    width = 8.5, height = 6.5) {
  p <- list()
  pdf(paste(FIG_OUT_PATH,fig_out_pdf,sep = ""), width = width, height = height)
  for(cell in celltype){
    if(grepl("dblt", cell, = T) | cell == "gated_out" | cell == "Unknown"){
    # print(cell)
    eset <- input_gsva_esetlist[[cell]]
    dat <- t(exprs(eset))
    dat <- %>% select(intersect(combined_genesets, colnames(dat)))
    if(nrow(dat) < 7){
    dat$days_since_onset <- eset$days_since_onset
    dat$pc1_group <- eset$PC1_cat
    dat$Subject <- eset$Subject
    dat$severity_outcome <- eset$severity.outcome2
    dat <- dat %>% 
      gather(key = module, value = score, 
             -c(days_since_onset, pc1_group, severity_outcome, Subject)) %>%
    tmp.HC <- filter(dat, pc1_group == "HC" & Subject != "CHI014")
    means <- tmp.HC %>% dplyr::group_by(module) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise(median = median(score),
                       quantile.25 = quantile(score, .25, na.rm = TRUE),
                       quantile.75 = quantile(score, .75, na.rm = TRUE))
    tmp.covid <- filter(dat, pc1_group %in% c("PC1_low", "PC1_high"))
    severity.color <- c("Critical-Alive"="#374E55FF","Critical-Deceased"="#DF8F44FF","Moderate-Alive"="#00A1D5FF" ,"Severe-Alive"="#B24745FF","HC" = "#79AF97FF")
    p1 <- ggplot(tmp.covid, aes(x = days_since_onset, y = score)) + 
      geom_rect(aes(xmin = 17, xmax = 23, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf), fill = "#EADCFA", alpha = 0.1)+
      geom_point(alpha=.4,shape=21,aes(fill=pc1_group),size=2) + 
      scale_fill_manual(name="Severity",values = c("deepskyblue1","red")) +
      geom_line(aes(group = Subject), alpha = 0.1)+
      ggtitle(paste(cell, LE_score_used, sep = " ")) + 
      scale_color_manual(name="PC1 Class",values=c("deepskyblue1","red")) +
      geom_smooth(se = T,aes(color=pc1_group),alpha=0.1) + 
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept = median), data = means, alpha = 0.7, linetype = "dashed", color = "#00BA38")+
      facet_wrap(~module, scales = "free", ncol = 4) +
      # geom_vline(xintercept = 20, color = "grey60", linetype='dashed') +
    p[[cell]] <- p1

set interested pathways to plot

using gsva score from union LE of PC1 and TSO to show the effect of severity and time

celltypes <- names(PC1_onset_union_gsva_esetlist)

p <- plot_onset_module_score_line(PC1_onset_union_gsva_esetlist, 
                             LE_score_used = "GSVA PC1 days_onset union LE score", 
                             fig_out_pdf = "modulescore_time_allcelltype_PC1_onsetunionLE.pdf", 
                             width = 10.5, height = 5)


using gsva score from LE of mid(d17-23 juncture) PC1high vs low comparison

highlight the difference at d17-23 juncture

combined_genesets <- c("HALLMARK_TNFA_SIGNALING_VIA_NFKB", 

celltypes <- names(PC1mid_gsva_esetlist)

p <- plot_onset_module_score_highlight(PC1mid_gsva_esetlist, 
                                  LE_score_used = "GSVA PC1_at_mid LE score", 
                                  celltype = celltypes, 
                                  fig_out_pdf = "modulescore_time_allcelltype_PC1midLE.pdf", 
                                  width = 5, height = 2.5)



sI <- sessionInfo()
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