.. Installation guide, describes setup for local development and opperation on mobile devices ################# Developer's Guide ################# .. contents:: :depth: 5 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 modules Installation ============ To install the code base for local development, you'll need to make sure you have a JDK, `NodeJS `_, and React Native installed. React Native can be installed using npm once NodeJS has been installed: .. code-block:: bash npm install -g react-native-cli If you want to be able to run the application in the iOS and Android emulators, you will also need to install `XCode `_ and `Android Studio `_. You will need to make sure that you create an Android virtual device before you can launch an Android emulator. There is a good tutorial on how to do that `here `_. Finally, clone the repo, cd into the project directory and run .. code-block:: bash npm install This will install all of the required npm libraries for the application. If you want to edit the documentation, you will need JSDoc and Sphinx: .. code-block:: bash npm install -g jsdoc pip install sphinx-js The application can be run like any other React Native application. iOS .. code-block:: bash react-native run-ios Android .. code-block:: bash react-native run-android Ensure that you start the Android emulator before running the ``run-android`` command. The iOS emulator will automatically start when ``run-ios`` is called. Documentation ============= Documentation should be written using `reStructuredText `_. Standalone doc pages should be put into ``docs/source`` so the docstrings end up in the docs site. Pages won't show up on the site unless they are linked from another page (that is linked from another page...) which is eventually linked to from index.rst. Creating the docs (modeled on `this `_) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On your local machine create another directory in the directory that contains the main application directory. I.e. if you cloned the repo into ``my_workspace/MobileStats``, then create a second directory ``my_workspace/MobileStats_docs``. eg: .. code-block:: bash $ pwd /home/username/my_workspace $ ls MobileStats* MobileStats: ... MobileStats-docs: ... The code repository, ``MobileStats/``, is where modifications are made. ``MobileStats-docs/`` is generated when the docs are built. The docs directory ``MobileStats-docs/`` should contain a directory called ``html`` which is a special MobileStats git repository that is set up to only have a special single branch: ``gh-pages``. This is where the documentation builder places its outputs. To create such a directory for the first time: .. code-block:: bash mkdir MobileStats-docs #if needed - should be next to MobileStats as above cd MobileStats-docs git clone https://github.niaid.nih.gov/dommerjl/mobile-stats-app.git html cd html git checkout gh-pages git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages To build the docs you will need to pip install the Sphinx library:: sphinx_rtd_theme The docs are then built with .. code-block:: bash cd docs # pwd is now MobileStats/docs make html # we're only generating a website. This will build the docs into ``MobileStats_docs/html``. The website can be viewed in the ``MobileStats-docs/html/`` directory by running: .. code-block:: bash # pwd is MobileStats-docs/html/ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 to examine the docs as they are created. Docs can be viewed at Once you are happy with the documentation you can publish it on github by running: .. code-block:: bash # pwd is MobileStats-docs/html/ git commit -a -m "rebuilt docs" git push origin gh-pages