RML HPC (Big Sky)

Python environments

NOTE, THIS IS ONLY relevant for HPC. Added for completeness.

NOTE: generate_vevn.sh is not used as of 08/11/2023, setup is documented in RML HPC (Big Sky).

Workflows are currently run on RML HPC (“BigSky”).

There are three environments currently on BigSky: (dev, qa, prod). They were set up as follows: (Note, this first step is only required once, and only to work around old versions of Python.)

Initial Setup:

To initialise, typically done only at start per env. Use miniconda to set up venv, clone this repo, and pip install to the newly created venv.

# get miniconda dist
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py310_23.3.1-0-Linux-x86_64.sh
chmod a+x Miniconda3-py310_23.3.1-0-Linux-x86_64.sh
# use to create venv, eg prod
/gs1/home/hedwig_prod/miniconda3/bin/python -m venv prod
# get this repo
git clone git@github.com:niaid/image_portal_workflows.git
# activate the venv, and install in editable mode (--e)
source prod/bin/activate
cd image_portal_workflows/
python -m pip install -e .

Note ls ~ should list you image_portal_workflows

Source being root of HOME is for convenience, and allows each serivce account to look similar.

Set up bashrc to automate venv activation. Added these lines to .bashrc

export HEDWIG_ENV=prod
source prod/bin/activate

Set up daemon to use appropriate service file. You will need to email NIAID RML HPC Support to do this. E.g. for qa helper_scripts/hedwig_listener_qa.service would be copied into place.

It’s a good idea to test the ExecStart command can be run, eg:


The daemon by default polls prefect server in the given workpool and brings in the flow run details if something has been submitted to the server.

To update:

Tag relase, and test in dev etc. Upon promotion into HPC env do:

cd image_portal_workflows/
git fetch
git checkout <label>
pip install -e . -r requirements.txt --upgrade

When there are changes in the workflows (e.g, a new task is added, task function signature has changed, etc), you should redeploy the workflows. See Prefect section for details.

NFS Filesystem layout

Pipeline inputs and outputs are housed on an Admin User accessable NFS, meaning that the Admin level users of the system can see directly into the same partitions which we read our inputs and ultimately place our outputs. Note, we do not do “work” in this Filesystem, only read in initial inputs, and write out selected outputs. Different projects have different filesystem layouts.

We never write to the inputs (Projects) directory, only to outputs (Assets). For example:

A workflow input_dir would be provided as: /RTB/darrellh/nguyenm8-2022-0920-test/SEM-2022-0922-Neta_2D_Test/DM4_sample/

Which is used to define an input directory, note the Projects substr. Inputs are provided via the parameter input_dir. /mnt/ai-fas12/RMLEMHedwigDev/Projects/RTB/darrellh/nguyenm8-2022-0920-test/SEM-2022-0922-Neta_2D_Test/DM4_sample/

And this would be the corresponding output directory. /mnt/ai-fas12/RMLEMHedwigDev/Assets/RTB/darrellh/nguyenm8-2022-0920-test/SEM-2022-0922-Neta_2D_Test/DM4_sample/

On HPC, each environment (dev,qa,prod) has its own mount point. These are: /mnt/ai-fas12/RMLEMHedwigDev/ /mnt/ai-fas12/RMLEMHedwigQA/ /mnt/ai-fas12/RMLEMHedwigProd/

Note, the partition is not mentioned, and by implication we know this is a Project. So to create the input dir, we prepend the <name_of_partition>/Projects/<input_dir_param> The above logic is done in utils.get_input_dir()

To find out what we are expected to work on we list this directory, see utils.list_files. Note, FIBSEM uses dirs to define stacks. We filter inputs with file extensions.

The input directory is listed, and a temp working directory is created for each input (a file for the 2D and BRT pipelines, or a directory containing a stack of tiffs for FIBSEM).

Spatialomics file layout.

Normally the dir structure is : $lab/$pi/$project/$session/$sample

For Spatialomics this is not the case, the $sample is not really a sample, it’s grouping of ROIs, PreROIs, etc from each of the slides.

More details can be found in Spatialomics Workflow.

Working directory / temporary dir.

The Projects directory above is relatively slow. There is a faster partition, which we use for a temporary working directory. For each input (eg file), I create one temporary directory. All work occurs in this directory. Upon the conclusion of the workflow, the contents of this directory are copied into the Assets directory (see Inputs/Outputs. A list of Objects of class FilePath are used to these inputs.


  • Note, although unused above, BigSky also has Spack available.

$ source /gs1/apps/user/rmlspack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
$ spack load -r python@3.8.6/eg2vaag
$ python -V
Python 3.8.6
$ spack unload -a