
BRT Workflow


A number of parameters can be passed to the “BRT” workflow. There are two types: 1) params that are passed to the adoc file. See adoc / 2) params that are used elsewhere within the worflow, providing metadata etc, eg input_dir.

Note: objects passed between Prefect Tasks (eg FilePath objects), must be considered immutable. Updates to state made in one task will be lost and not available to the next task. Create a new object. The map function is used extensively, and preserves order.

TomoJS 3D pipeline for tomographic reconstruction.

The term “batch run tomo[gram]” is abbreviated BRT.


Generate BRT Directive File


Generate a configuration file of parameter for BRT process.

  • a BRT directive file with a .adoc file extension.

Alternatively, the file could be provided and this step skipped. The directive file format is documented IMOD’s batchruntomo documentation. There is specific descriptions of the directives specified in a “directives.csv” file within IMOD.

The following is a Jinja like template for key-value pairs to be configured. The {{ }} denotes where the substitution should be made. Inside the curly brackets is a suggested parameter name for the value with defaults in parenthesis:{{ basename }}{{ beadSize (~10)}}
setupset.copyarg.pixel={{ pixelSize }}
comparam.prenewst.newstack.BinByFactor={{ bin (4) }}
comparam.track.beadtrack.LightBeads={{ lightBeads (0) }}
comparam.tilt.tilt.THICKNESS={{ thickness (~256) }}
runtime.AlignedStack.any.binByFactor={{ bin }}
setupset.copyarg.montage={{ montage (0) }}
setupset.datasetDirectory={{ local processing folder (POSIX convention) }}

The existing directive file is dirTemplate.adoc with empty values that can be updated as above.

BRT support multiple layers of “Template Files” so that directives can be defined for a microscope, system, and user. The other directive files can be defined as parameters it the batch directive file provided on the command line.

BatchRunTomo (BRT)


Perform computational expensive operations of processing an acquired tomography tilt-series and reconstructing a 3D volume. The process consists of numerous step to prepare, align, and perform 3d reconstruction from the tilt series acquired by the microscope.

  1. the original image from the microscope usually with an .mrc extension (.st possible ). The filename part before the final “.” is considered the BASENAME.

  2. BRT directive file

Primary Outputs:
  1. BASENAME_rec.mrc - the source for the reconstruction movie

  2. BASENAME_full_rec.mrc - the source for the Neuroglancer pyramid

  3. BASENAME_ali.mrc - the source for the tilt movie

Auxiliary Outputs:
  1. Other outputs such as logs and transformation files may need to be saved as well.

The process is IMOD’s batchruntomo, run with the following command line arguments:

batchruntomo -di BASENAME.adoc -gpus 1 -cpus 20

The gpus is for configuring the local GPU, and cpus configures the number of cores to use. Many temporary and log files are created during this process.

Generate tilt movie


Convert a MRC file of the aligned tilt series into a movie for easy viewing.

  1. BASENAME_ali.mrc - the aligned 2d slices of image stack

  1. Generates a tilt movie for easy viewing

  2. The key thumbnail is keyimg_BASENAME_s.jpg, the corresponding MIDDLE_I is the full size.

dimensions = (header -s ${BASENAME}_ali.mrv) # space separated list of dimensions sizes (x y z)
MIDDLE_I = floor(dimensions.z/2))
for i in dimensions.z\:
  newstack -secs {i}-{i} ALI_FILENAME WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_ali{i}.mrc
newstack -float 3 WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_ali*.mrc WORKDIR/hedwig/ali_BASENAME.mrc
mrc2tif -j -C 0,255 WORKDIR/hedwig/ali_BASENAME.mrc WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_ali
gm convert -size 300x300 WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_ali.{MIDDLE_I}.jpg -resize 300x300 -sharpen 2 -quality 70 WORKDIR/hedwig/keyimg_BASENAME_s.jpg
ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 4 -i ${BASENAME}_ali.%03d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 1024,1024 tiltMov_${BASENAME}.mp4

Generate reconstruction movie


Convert a MRC file of the reconstructed 3D volume into a movie for easy viewing.

  1. BASENAME_rec.mrc - the reconstruction of the 3d volume ( may already be binned by some factor when compared to full).

  1. Generates a movie of the reconstructed 3D volume.

for i in range(2, dimensions.z-2):
  IZMIN = i-2
  IZMAX = i+2
  clip avg -2d -iz IZMIN-IZMAX  -m 1 WORKDIR/BASENAME_rec.mrc WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_ave${I}.mrc
newstack -float 3 WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_ave* WORKDIR/hedwig/ave_BASENAME.mrc
binvol -binning 2 WORKDIR/hedwig/ave_BASENAME.mrc WORKDIR/hedwig/avebin8_BASENAME.mrc
mrc2tif -j -C 100,255 WORKDIR/hedwig/ave_BASNAME.mrc hedwig/BASENAME_mp4
ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 8 -i WORKDIR/hedwig/BASENAME_mp4.%04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 1024,1024 WORKDIR/hedwig/keyMov_BASENAME.mp4

Generate Neuroglancer Pyramid


Generates a Neuroglancer precomputed pyramid from an MRC file of a 3D volume. This does not work for tilt series, or other non-volumetric files.

  1. A MRC file of a 3D volume.

  1. A directory structure of the precomputed pyramid.


1. Convert the MRC file to NIFTI (.nii). The Neuroglancer file format only support unsigned integer of 8 or 16 bits. When this input is a signed integer the output pixel types needs to be changed and the pixel values adjusted. The NIAID tomojs-pytools mrc2nift command-line tool can do this conversion. 2. The neuroglancer-scripts tools are used to convert the NIFTI file to the precompute format:

volume-to-precomputed-pyramid --downscaling-method=average --no-gzip --flat nifti.nii {WORKDIR}/hedwig/neuro-BASENAME

3. The default minimum and maximum values used for visualization also need to be computed from the NIFTI file. The NIAID tomojs-pytools mrc_visual_min_max performs this computation:

mrc_visual_min_max {WORKDIR}/nifti.nii --mad 5 --output-json mrc2ngpc-output.json

The cloud-volume tool may be an alternative tool for the precompute conversion.

Spatialomics Workflow

Normally the dir structure is : $lab/$pi/$project/$session/$sample

For Spatialomics this is not the case, the $sample is not really a sample, it’s grouping of ROIs, PreROIs, etc from each of the slides. These grouping directories sit one down from session, in the place a $sample normally would be.

For a single unit of work (eg 8 slides) the set up looks like


and eg:

ls $lab/$pi/$project/$session/HQ_Images/
slide_1.czi, slide_2.czi, ...


ls $lab/$pi/$project/$session/Pre_ROI_Selection
slide_1_Pre_ROI_a.png, slide_2_Pre_ROI_a.png, ...

Note: Different outputs from different slides are split across different dirs. The pipeline will not parse out or otherwise link slides together in any way. Similarly there is no linking from from heatmaps to any specific slide.

Also, other directories can exist in this directory, which will be ignored.