Function to run Boruta on the stimulation - cell population combinations that passed the Fisher's exact test to rank the markers according to their contribution to the response.
path = NULL,
n_cells = NULL,
max_runs = 100,
seed_val = 123,
verbose = 0
- mapped_data
Returned list from the
function.- path
Path to the folder to save figures generated by this function.
- n_cells
Number of cells to down sample the data. Default is NULL to include all the cells.
- max_runs
Maximum number of runs for the random forest algorithm. Default is 100.
- seed_val
Seed value for Boruta. Default is 123.
- verbose
0, 1, or 2. Default is 0.
A list with a tibble containing attribute statistics calculated by Boruta and ggplot objects. If the path is not NULL, plots are also rendered and saved in the specified folder in PNG format.
# \donttest{
mapped_data <- HDStIM(chi11$expr_data, chi11$state_markers,
chi11$cluster_col, chi11$stim_label,
chi11$unstim_label, seed_val = 123, umap = FALSE, umap_cells = NULL,
verbose = FALSE)
marker_ranking <- marker_ranking_boruta(mapped_data, path = NULL, n_cells = NULL,
max_runs = 1000, seed_val = 123,
verbose = 0)
# }